Terms of Use

This page contains the various disclaimers and policies that apply to this site (SolvingProcrastination.com). Everything here is in line with what you would expect to see on most modern websites.

These are the main points that you will see on this page:

  • We take no responsibility for any harm that might occur to you as a result of using this site or related content.
  • We might recommend some products or services that we think are relevant to you.
  • We collect information that you send us (e.g. emails), as well as some performance and security-related data.


General disclaimer

We take no responsibility for any content that is published on this site, or for any content that is published on our associated social media accounts.

This means that while we strive to provide content that is helpful to others, we cannot be held liable in any way for what you or other people do with it, and sole responsibility rests with you to ensure that your use of this site and of the content that it contains doesn’t cause you any harm.

Always do your own research and use common sense before implementing any suggestions and advice that you read, and always use the necessary precautions when browsing the internet and sharing content.


Disclosure policy

Please note the following:

  • The views on this site should be treated as opinions, which are based on research, but which are not guaranteed to be correct.
  • We may sometimes recommend certain products on the site, generally using affiliate links set up through the Amazon Affiliate Program, and sometimes we earn a commission when you buy products after following those links.


Privacy policy

Our full privacy policy is available here. It’s what you would expect from a regular site: we primarily collect information that you send us directly (e.g. emails and contact messages), together with some anonymized security and performance-related data.


Contact information

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us through the contact form.


Updates to policies

The policies on this page were last updated on October 19, 2019. We reserve the right to change these policies in the future, and will update this section in order to list the last date on which this happened.


 Copyright © Solving Procrastination, 2018 – present. All rights reserved